THT 88 89 spray machine has gasoline version and diesel version, is the electric start, compared with the pull rope is much easier, but if you are a novice, may not be familiar with the operation, the following is tuhui te 88 89 operation video:
First open the backflow valve and set the pressure to the lowest level, starting from 1st gear like a manual car, so it's the same with the putty sprayer
Then, add a little throttle to the engine (not one to the end), open the damper, and turn the key to ignition
When the engine starts successfully, close the damper
After the machine has drained air, turn the return valve off
When working properly, you should put more pressure on the throttle to prevent the engine from holding out
When you're done, turn the pressure knob down to the minimum, turn down the throttle, open the backflow valve to relieve pressure, and finally shut down the engine so that there is no pressure in the machine.